Peter Gibbons
by Peter Gibbons
Microsoft Certification

How do I fix Msimg32.dll?

Msimg32.dll errors are usually caused when the operating system's registry contains errors or when certain system files are missing or broken; Msimg32.dll problems are a sign of a very unhealthy system.

Most DLL errors are caused by improper maintenance of the operating system. Repairing your Msimg32.dll problem is as simple as following these 3 steps:

    1. Download Msimg32.dll Repair Tool
      This is a free download - The download will open up in a new window. Click "Save File" and follow simple installation instructions.
    2. Scan your computer with the Regcure application.
    3. Click the 'Fix Errors' button to repair Msimg32.dll.



Msimg32.dll Repair

Common Causes of DLL File Errors

A variety of causes exist for these annoying dll errors the most common of which is the replacement of a working dll file with an older one by a program installation or the removal of such a file during a program’s uninstallation. Also a possible cause is damage done by malware, such as a virus deleting crucial dll files from your computer. Yet another way for a dll file to become corrupt is a hardware problem, usually with the hard disk, that causes data loss.

In most cases, Regcure can be used to repair all of your computer's missing or broken DLL files. Regcure looks over your computer's registry and repairs most of the following: Internet Explorer errors, ActiveX errors, Javascript and scripting errors, C++ errors, EXE/ DLL/ OCX/ INF/ VXD errors and more. Regcure can pretty much fix all of your Windows problems with the click of a button.

12 Comments on "How Do I Fix Msimg32.dll?"

Suzanne says 6 days ago
Thank you so much for this quick fix. I just knew i was going to have to take my computer in for repair. A+ Thanks again!
lazee says 6 days ago
I fixed my Msimg32.dll error pretty easily using your steps. Thank you!
rebot88 says 6 days ago
Perfect, thanks for the tip
Sway8up says 5 days ago
I didn't think this was going to be such an easy fix. THanks for outlining it so easily for me. I looked all over and could not find the answer.
bluelaguune says 5 days ago
Maybe you should be working for microsoft or at least helping them build their tech support website.
deleiozo says 4 days ago
you saved me! I thought I was in big trouble with all these errors popping up. What is this Msimg32.dll?
SThompson says 3 days ago
Such an easy answer. I knew it would be easy
55chevy1 says 3 days ago
It worked flawlessly. No more stupid error popups. Thanks so much, where can I donate??  
button3-z says 3 days ago
Worked perfect, Peter. You are the man!! Saved my rear-end once again.
10orders says 2 days ago
Stupid Microsoft!!  
Waiting For More says yesterday
I couldn't find this file anywhere, that regcure thing worked perfectly. thanks 4 the simple tip.
lostinthesauce says yesterday

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